"Tomorrowland trees" from Wise Craft.
"The secret to making them stand up are the styrofoam cones the tree form slips over
I found mine at the local Joanns. You could also make make your own cone shape out of cardstock, or anything sturdy.
Tomorrowland Holiday Trees
Tree Templates download here
*Styrofoam cones of various sizes. I used 3 sizes, small- 6" x 2 7/8", med- 9" x 3 7/8", large- 12" x 3 7/8", and sized my paper template to fit these. Use whatever size you want, Keeping in mind that you may have to enlarge or reduce the pattern accordingly.
Fabric of your choice (you want fabric with a little body- home decorator weight or heavier, wool felt, synthetic felt, canvas, felted sweater, etc.)
matching or contrast thread (I used off-white thread for all of them)
embellishments (optional) I used small white crystals and felted wool beads, your imagination is the limit here. Fabric glue works great to attach these, the right fabric glue is like concrete that way.
To Make
1. Make a template of the pattern out of cardstock or heavy paper for easy tracing. As you can see, the tree template is only half a tree, so lay it on a folded piece of paper as indicated to cut a complete tree. Enlargement and reduction sizes are noted.
2. Cut out 2 pieces for each tree.
3. Pin these pieces together, wrong sides together, taking special care to pin at the pointy branches so the edges stay matched up as best they can.
4. Stitch through both layers using a topstitch, 1/2" from the edge, all the way around, but leaving the bottom completely open.
5. Trim a little off the edge all the way around, to neaten up.
6. You are ready to embellish. I only did one side, but you could do both if the trees will be seen from both sides.
These definitely look best in groupings, and they are so easy, why not do a forest? Wouldn't they look pretty with some tiny white lights surrounding them?"