Sunday, January 16, 2011

How-to host a craft party

"How-to host a craft party" by Jessica of Living the Swell Life via Marta Writes.

This is totally on my list of things to do this year. How fun is a craft party. Now I've just got to collect a number of crafts that would be fun to do. I'll also need to find a group of friends to invite. It's a really good idea to make Christmas presents, so maybe sometime in July or August.

Hmmm.. maybe I could even think of a theme. Kitchen crafts, Christmas decorations, gifts for men....

The Tape Trick

"The Tape Trick" from Prudent Baby.

This just seems like a good tip to remember... especially after hearing stories about how my parents would have to lock my younger sister into our bedroom at night because she was such an escapee. It's amazing how simple solution like a piece of tape could do the trick.

ANOTHER TAPE TRICK: I've also heard that by placing a small piece of scotch tape on upset baby's foot distracts them from their crying.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Outer Space Birthday

"Outer Space Birthday" from stephmodo.

When I have kids, I want them to go through an outer space phase (after a dinosaur phase, and before a secret agent/spy phase!). Surely that's not asking too much. If the stars do align (haha!), I'd love to steal some ideas from this birthday party that stephmodo threw for her son. Vintage outer space stamps, a space flashcard banner, games like "Pass the Plutonium" and "Hot Potato" (with an inflatable astronaut!), astronaut ice cream, moon t-shirts... sounds like a fun party to me.

Other ideas:
  • Decorating the table with constellations
  • Scavenger hunt for glow-in-the-dark stars
  • Rocket launch game--with foam rocket slingshots
  • Comet toss with velcro
  • Ring around Saturn ring toss

Felt Mailing Envelopes

"Felt Mailing Envelopes" from Hello! Lucky.

My heart swoons for these felt mailing envelopes. I can just imagine what trinkets could be saved in such a lovely package. Maybe gifts that are swapped back and forth between secret pals. Maybe mementos from a special occasion. Or my favorite... maybe this is how letters to Santa should be sent. (Add some felt holly leaves or candy canes to get in the spirit!) And, maybe with such a fancy envelope, Santa might even be willing to respond with a note of his own.

Nativity Blocks

"Nativity Blocks" from I am Momma - Hear Me Roar.

Another great project from Cheri at I am Momma - Hear Me Roar. I love that this nativity set is kid-friendly, inspiring kids to build and play with the characters. I love that she suggests that older children could help make them--I think that's awesome!

Magnetic Alphabet Puzzle

"Magnetic Alphabet Puzzle" on Someday Crafts from guest blogger, "I am Momma, Hear Me Roar."

I love games and toys that are cleverly designed, fun to play with, and teach something, too. That's the ultimate trifecta. These magnetic alphabet puzzles are super cute, and I love the magnetic lunchbox, as a storage container AND a play surface. The different cut designs are a great way to scaffold the activity for those who don't quite have the alphabet concept mastered. You could also make these for numbers or even sight words. I love how this mama personalized it for things her kids are familiar with, e.g. "T is for Transformers."